When it feels excessively tiring or overwhelming – How to cope or respond…
Feelings of tiredness and at times of being overwhelmed by events or occurrences in our lives, situations or about almost

How do I grasp my destiny.. Certainly not by star gazing.
Looking too far into the future can become heavy going. Is there a better way though?? Let’s get very practical.

Beauty at its purest form on a cold winter morning – A way of pure joy
When things are difficult, humans struggle to manage a smile, let alone feel joy from a pure source. Even more

Our “Collective Will” to carry on…
There are times in our lives when the temptation to succumb to challenges and difficult situations come strong, especially when

Purpose and Vision – Post lockdown, which comes first?
Greetings to all my friends. It’s been awhile since we touched base. As we are beginning to see some rays

If it feels like a nightmare.. Dream your way through … This is how to
Many situations in life bring joy: the birth of a new baby, the birth of a grandchild, finding love, beautiful

Living Through the Times and Embracing Change
There is no doubt that our current existence has thrusted change upon every one of us alive today. The pandemic

Dealing with repressed sensitive feelings and emotions ..
Often our sensitivities are tucked away so well on the inside, and probably repressed too, because we feel uncomfortable about

Complexities and Simplicities – What they have in common ..
As the day drew to its close and the sun took the last stride home, I looked into the horizon

Grow A Seed and Reap More Than Fruits
“You reap what you sow” … “The Law of The farm” I am one of those who are fond of

Something To Think About… ????
“It is a mistake to try to look too far ahead. The chain of destiny can only be grasped one

Be fulfilled…
“Life’s fulfillment is a daily obedience to the call to do what I’m called to be” Moments with Annie.

How To Build My Immunity From Inside Out
A question has preoccupied my mind in the past few days. Going through this pandemic and being under a lockdown

Re-channelling Negative Feelings
Our feelings have their roots in the deep layer of our being, the subconscious, from where they can either be

A Window Into The Future
We are all momentarily in our COVID-19 confinements, physically and emotionally. We have more questions than we have answers. Questions

Living Without Walls – Life With No Limits
As humans we are most of the time sight oriented and driven. Majority of us depend largely on external stimuli

The Lockdown- When Silence chose to reign as king..
It is the first Saturday of lockdown in town. Unique in every sense. A Saturday like none other experienced in

Balancing Our Emotions In These Critical Times Of Coronavirus Pandemics
No one is left out of toxic emotions during these times. The news of coronavirus breakout from Wuhan in China

CORONAVIRUS FEAR – Feel the fear.. don’t be crippled by it – get liberated
Humanity has no control over the entrance of fear into our space, bursting our “sense of safety” bubbles. Like an

Awakening our Consciousness
If most of the time, occurrences happen suddenly in our lives, or circumstances tend to take on “the sudden surprise

Being in the right frame of mind..
Placing my focus on the bare and the most essential things in life helps me to pay attention to the

How to find strength in a period of weakness …
Weakness often takes over a human being when strength is low or lacking. Accompanying a state of weakness could be

How to convert past failure into a skilful tool in the journey towards
How to convert past failure into a skilful tool in the journey towards achieving the success dream? How often do

Do my thoughts influence my diets and diet plans?
Advice, Counsel, Laws, Judgements, Declarations, Rules, Instructions, Guidance, Sermons, Prayers, Incantations, Enchantments, Well-wishes, … and so much more have at

How can I generate peace of mind?
A mind “to-ing and fro-ing” in a constant state of anxiety or emotional rollercoaster cannot experience peace and quiet. Our

Who’s been plucking my roses?
Roses are beautiful. Roses befit memorable occasions. Everyone beholds their beauty. Looking at the colours simply bring beautiful thoughts, happy

Dealing with bereavement…
It’s usually not about how long or recent a loss is but about the depth of the relationship which becomes

Thinking of making a decision – Too many choices
Being faced with many options is a nightmare. Making a choice can be so difficult. But, can you have a

How healthy are moments of reflection?
The dawn breaks, clean, crisp and fresh. A good morning begins. This appears to be a perfect place to start

Can my desires alter my destiny?
In simple parlance, a destiny is some occurrence bound to occur because it’s all been set to happen outside our

Should I embrace change?
As I open my eyes each morning.. ???? .. just also as the dawn breaks, I am faced with the stark reality

What to do with dreams..
If today I have a dream, or dreams.. but find myself constantly thinking of what to do with time(??) Sounds

… gateway to peace of mind.
Oftentimes the root cause of panic and fear is unwittingly giving permission for a reckless travel on the highway known

Just before you rush to condemn yourself …
???? .. please stop and reflect. Somewhere in-between mediocrity and greatness lies the peak. Albert Einstein was initially thought by his

Why problems – ???? – ??
There are never answers or solutions without questions or questioning minds. Progress is often birthed on the bed of affliction,

Why it is not so easy …
Anyone who has at anytime attempted to measure the intensity of the darkness on a dark night, and has tried

… echoes from a distance .. #Let One Speak Others Listen
I often hear people say to each other – usually in the heat of passion – .. “listen to yourself… ????…

… gateway to peace of mind.
Oftentimes the root cause of panic and fear is unwittingly giving permission for a reckless travel on the highway known

Where lies beauty?
Looking at the image below, if beauty you can very readily find.. congratulations you are one of the few who

How do I begin my day?
The way we think, the way we speak and the way we act are the main ways we interface with our world. And prayer is a lifeline presenting the opportunity and the time for a rich focus on that interface before we engage with the world.

????…I got a message from a friend today..
It is supposedly the Pope’s message for year 2019. I have not checked the authenticity of this claim.. But I

When life goes tough…
Joy and happiness are two main pills ..???? .. our lives depend on for satisfaction. Of course we need no water

How to deal with secret fears
Secret fears are “things” – “issues that be” “facts or fictions, about our past or present” which keep popping up

Who am I? Finding The Real Humanity in Adulthood
As a new born, each of us made our grand entry into this world, born to take our unique place.

Is Marriage Spiritual?
What about getting hooked? ???? These are big “NOW” questions – getting hooked. And if you have heard this said or

What if “IF” is “real if” for you?
Thank you Teacher .. ????…You brought this back into sharp focus for me.. IF… We all use this word in our

Getting rid of negativity..
Negative thoughts and feelings lock out progress. I came across this saying below, and felt to echo it. It addresses

Why I should continue
Being aware that the scenes of life are forever changing; and recognising that I, who was once a baby in

Pushing Negative Thoughts at bay..
At Sunrise… Before all is set and cast I raise my voice.. I make a statement and I sing a

Is my dream dead?
Have you ever entertained the feeling that your long cherished dream has either died, dying or is dead?

Dealing with Arguments
It takes two to tangle, so the adage goes.
Two individuals communicating their thoughts and ideas through arguments can never achieve effective communication.

How I Deal With Fear .. By Annie
Fear always an unwelcome emotion, an uninvited guest. It demoralises, leaving the victim emotionally crippled, paralysed and tired.

Could love really heal? The Story of Two brothers – By Annie
Sammie and John are two brothers. Pat, their mum is a manager with a top city firm. Mike, Pat’s husband,

Work – Energy or Life Force
Sitting down by myself after a long busy day, I try to remain in touch with my personal thoughts and

Laying Me Down To Sleep … ????
Who tries successfully to get a baby to sleep quickly when s/he does not want to?Or succeeds in getting a baby up from sleep quickly if the baby still needs more sleep? Not so easy I guess.

A Peep .. ???? .. into Annie’s Morning
A typical morning begins with a word of thanks to the Giver of life, and the Protector of the universe.. an expression of gratitude to G-d for all His blessings.

Staying Healthy: What it really means to Annie.
This is no slang, nor is it a mantra, though the risk of making it into one is very high, real and rampant. So therefore, what exactly is implied by

The Dream of Love
Every young person dreams of falling in love one day. Each waking moment is filled with “creative thoughts and imaginations”

Ageless and Flawless Skin
Just a moment Ladies (and Gentlemen.. too)… Have you seen this? I’ve seen it!

Growth Influence
Most children between the ages of five and six years often do have faint recollections of drawing their “growth influence” from adults around them; who from…

The World’s Greatest Need – The Medicine of Laughter
If there is anything the world needs more of right now.. It is laughter.

My first night away from home
Remembering my first day in the boarding school brings a very distinct nostalgia.

When Heaven Kissed Mandi’s World
It was all thoughts of celebrations and festivities. Colours everywhere. Little children running around in excitement.

Of a-haaaaa moment..
Of a-haaaaa moment..
Day of thunder, day of wonder..
I am awakened to the light of your counsel

Learning from the Seasons .. The Secret of Staying Young
Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter..
Nature has four meteorological seasons and so do we humans, more or less.

Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter..
Nature has four meteorological seasons and so do we humans, more or less.

To everything intricately put together..
From the animate to the inanimate
A “best before date” (BBD) is attached

Life is a book
Each month is a new chapter..
Everyday is a new page ..
May your light never go dim ..

YOUR GREATEST possession – is your next twenty-four hours.

Just two to three tablespoons of ground flaxseeds a day can deter and arrest the growth of breast cancer in many different ways..

“Say nothing of my religion.
It is known to God and myself alone.
Its evidence before…