With Annie ®
“Word boundaries.
The task of defining what constitutes a “word” involves determining where one word ends and another word begins—in other words, identifying word boundaries…” Welcome to MWA World. Our world of sensitively and carefully crafted words, Annie’s world of “The Cardinal HHW” – *Healing, *Health and *Wholeness.
One moment.
“ .. something deeply hidden had to be behind things .. “ Let’s find out.

How do I grasp my destiny.. Certainly not by star gazing.
Looking too far into the future can become heavy going. Is there a better way though?
Beauty at its purest form on a cold winter morning – A way of pure joy
When things are difficult, humans struggle to manage a smile, let alone feel joy from a pure source. Even more difficult it becomes when there are challenges or daunting tasks ahead on any given day.

Our “Collective Will” to carry on…
When things are difficult, humans struggle to manage a smile, let alone feel joy from a pure source. Even more difficult it becomes when there are challenges or daunting tasks ahead on any given day.
My first night away from home
When things are difficult, humans struggle to manage a smile, let alone feel joy from a pure source. Even more difficult it becomes when there are challenges or daunting tasks ahead on any given day.