Being aware that the scenes of life are forever changing; and recognising that I, who was once a baby in my mother’s arms .. ???? .. , without self knowledge, now I am who I am, the only one of me.. I am no doubt on a special journey-Life’s journey. What a humbling thought?
During those days of small beginnings, I hazily recollect feeling that time was eternity – “very timeless”. It felt like the world was without an end – Oh sweet memories. But gradually an awareness crept in, in increasing measures and changed all of that dynamics, what a shame.. ????
In its place emerged a new pattern of “work, toil, rest, work, toil and rest…
Several scenes have come and gone, playing out like I was watching a great drama production on a big screen or stage. Some had made me laugh, some brought me near to tears.. or actual tears. (I suppose that is true for everyone).
And as time has dragged on, suddenly, eternity seems to have changed its clothing. I now behold eternity as where time ultimately leads to, and takes its final rest, never ending rest. From the rising of the sun, to the place of it’s going down, the Name of my Maker shall forever be praised.
I cannot help but talk plainly.
As part of the human race, we all advance in days and years as we continue to stare, beholding time as a precious gift from the Almighty Creator. All there is/are, have been, and they shall also forever be. All have their existence, including their beginnings and endings in G-d alone. I know my source. Hence facing the future gallantly, I know that as my days, so is my strength – what a contemplation.. ????.. I have made up my mind, never to entertain regrets of how I utilised my time yesterday, or from time to time in the past cripple me .. as long as I am still on this side of eternity, for now is the time to work and make amends. Each day I consider is a gift .. ???? .. from my Maker. I must do the work whilst I can. Never to allow the unresolved griefs of yesterday affect the work of today is my day to day aim.
Today I will name the obvious and the hidden griefs I had been through, in black and white. The best place for these are in a journal. If I prefer, I will talk to a trusted someone, who will just listen to me, highlighting all my griefs. I must next look carefully into the situations for what positive things, the griefs or challenges have opened the doors for into my life. I will examine those hard and rocky places of the past, and count what have been my gains from each spot.
Allowing myself the time of contemplation, to think, to reflect, and to heal, I will finally return to the place of thanksgiving and gratitude for I am yet still here on this side of eternity for a divine purpose and a grand masterplan.
There is more work to be done. I must work whilst it is still day, for the night draws nigh for everyone alike.
Now, what is the real messagein my writing? If this is true for you, wait no longer, take your first step in the right direction today.