When it feels excessively tiring or overwhelming – How to cope or respond…

Feelings of tiredness and at times of being overwhelmed by events or occurrences in our lives, situations or about almost anything in life, are more often than not, our personal reactions to our internalised reflections about them, or our physical reactions to the objects or situations. The truth of the matter is this: tiredness and overwhelming feelings are both reactions common to humanity with no respecter of gender.

Can you relate to a situation whereby a sudden overpowering feeling of tiredness descends on you when a person with whom you have had a little disagreement walks into the space you and a few others have been enjoying – an evening or a day of pure relaxation and fun? Only for that feeling to catch on like fire, everyone soon feeling tired and wanting to go home. So, what’s gone on? Any thoughts?????

Or ever found yourself feeling instantly exhausted and overcome by emotions as the memory of an event which nearly took your life due to somebody’s negligence comes back to you suddenly and fresh?

 These are situations that one must often deal with as soon as possible. It leaves no room for many options. That is what we need to consider with all seriousness on this occasion in my writing ✍️.

Being exhaustively overcome by tiredness because you can’t get even with an aggressor is unhealthy. Many contemplate the situation until it leaves them running into hiding for a rest. This tiredness, brought on by the sudden rush of mental overload is not, and cannot be good for human health. We must learn to self-talk ourselves out of the situation. If left unchecked, it may also occasionally result in a physical reduction of a person’s sense of right judgement, affecting personal relationships and jobs. This is common, though less recognised. Everything around that one person is clouded by this tiring situation, brought on by the excessive mental overload. So many times, people complain of unexplained tiredness which the doctor cannot explain after running all the tests.

On the other hand, being overwhelmed simply may occasion a reduction in a person’s mental stamina and the ability to withstand anything more. How to navigate all the turns and curves in the situation is down to individual preferences. Distancing from the situation, or person or removing completely away is probably the best solution.

If it is simply a feeling of being overcome by tiredness whether brought on suddenly or which has built up gradually over time, barring any health conditions, in all probability, checking and reducing your mental load or overload may proffer an effective solution.

Meanwhile, take a breath, take a walk and or decisively stop looking at the source of the problem as being from that external or physical entity you may be attributing the mental overload to. Surprise! Surprise!! It may have everything to do with your personal reaction to the external stimuli or triggers.

If this fails, you may need an actual retreat or health break, a restful sleep or short break. You may also explore these further with a qualified professional.

An overwhelming feeling may come with an accompanying feeling of helplessness, similar to not being in control, such as a drowning feeling, beneath the weight of something like water. The test is this. If it is not real, then you might be giving in to some suggestion from your brain that a situation is too much or too heavy for you.

In all the described situations in this writing, if you think you need to, talk to a friend you trust in confidence or seek professional help.

A self-help intervention is to face the tiredness and overwhelming feelings, consider and contemplate, decisively and repeatedly reassure yourself that your help can also come from a Higher Being who is all powerful and who is able to lift all tiredness, burdens, and feelings of being overwhelmed (real and unreal), and replace them with a real peace that comes from above all imaginations.

For me, it comes from the place of prayer and connection with the Almighty Creator. It is possible to be at peace and rest knowing Who is ultimately in charge of all things and in full control.

Until next time

“With my mouth I will choose to speak wisdom and with my heart I will determine to think and contemplate what is virtuous, godly and worthy of praise”.

I remain.

Yours truly


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