Thinking of making a decision – Too many choices

Being faced with many options is a nightmare.
Making a choice can be so difficult.
But, can you have a guess where decision making starts from?

“With my mouth I will choose to speak wisdom and with my heart I will determine to think and contemplate what is virtuous, godly and worthy of praise”

When we aim to pursue these in our day to day living we stand a better chance to achieve bodily harmony and peace of mind. They make decision making less tedious. Perfection is not guaranteed however as the byproduct but giving these recipes a trial, we may just be pleasantly surprised at the resulting experience.

Daily mind renewal is recommended as a healthy way of exercising the subconscious. The process of mind renewal usually presents with several choices accompanied by the chances to apply wisdom and take fundamental decisions.

“It’s choice – not chance – that determines your destiny.” Jean Nidetch says. I believe.

A calm mind and a quiet physical environment create perfect harmonious grounds for the inflow of the right suggestions, healthy choices and goodly decision making.
So next time you are woken up in the nighttime because of a disturbing thought you know exactly where to start.

It may also sometimes help to decide to catch up with a confidant or a mentor to talk things through.
Running around from one person to another and another; from one friend/therapist to another may end up creating more noise in the mind. Much noise clouds the mind and oftentimes leaves trails of confusion.

We all at some stages will need to pull away from internal noises created by situations or imposed circumstances to recharge.
I personally find the Psalmist’s narrative so beautifully said and most powerful:

“Why are you in despair, O my soul?
And why are you restless and disturbed within me?
Hope in G-d and wait expectantly for Him, for I shall again praise Him – The help of my [sad] countenance and my G-d.”
Learning to “self – speak” is such a powerful tool as it makes possible the ability to speak from the abundance of stockpiled wisdom.

Make hay while the sun shines.

Before troubled days come therefore, I will fill my subconscious with the eternal words of wisdom. For it surely is out of the stored abundance that I can self-speak profoundly and effectively into the chaos of life.

Try it, you may find the experience helpful.

Till next time,
It’s yours truly

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