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Laying Me Down To Sleep … ????

By on October 5, 2017
Who tries successfully to get a baby to sleep quickly when s/he does not want to?Or succeeds in getting  a baby up from sleep quickly if the baby still needs more sleep? Not so easy I guess.
Health Lifestyle Moments

A Peep .. ???? .. into Annie’s Morning

By on October 2, 2017
A typical morning begins with a word of thanks to the Giver of life, and the Protector of the universe.. an expression of gratitude to G-d for all His blessings.
Health Lifestyle

Staying Healthy: What it really means to Annie.

By on September 28, 2017
This is no slang, nor is it a mantra, though the risk of making it into one is very high, real and rampant. So therefore, what exactly is implied by