Virtual Coach - LL.B. Hons. B.L.

Who We Are
Moments With Annie® are agents of change. Working with our clients in our ‘Mental Agility Coaching Programme©’, we gently and very sensitively without pressure, encourage our clients to embrace life transforming change(s) when, and where they consider necessary.
What We Do
Moments With Annie® through our M.A.C. programme provides bespoke life changing, life transforming services. Our services are open to all members of the community of every gender, age, creed, and race. This is the pivot on which our services are based.
The Journey
The M.A.C. journey is a carefully guided journey into self-awareness, transitioning into a healthy transformation. Along the journey, we help foster self-awareness, enlightenment, education, re-training, and empowerment; helping our clients to consider new life-altering …..
Meet Annie
I have spent most of my life as a Parent, a Virtual Coach, Counsellor, an Advocate, a Solicitor, and a Barrister. Over the years, I have been a confidant and a pair of listening ears to many – adults and young people alike.
Working with Annie
Annie virtually meets with Clients in whatever format of their choice. Innovation and creativity inform the way Annie operates. Annie has vast experiences at offering her services over the telephone, Skype, Zoom, and WhatsApp. Clients are free to choose what medium or format they feel most comfortable with.
Core Values
* Commitment and Passion for People* Integrity, Credibility, Transparency and Accountability
* Unity in diversity, Solidarity, Inclusiveness, Respect and Tolerance
Let us remember
“Life sometimes gets tougher than we can cope with and daily living may become a bit more difficult. Workplace situation may bring added stress. We all need a friend or friends; and often, a professional that can help us through this period may be the better way to go.

got a question?
Contact Us Today
Tel: +44 7874 006 560
Email: annie@momentswithannie.com
You will certainly get a call back. If on the other hand you are unsure and would like to know what Moments With Annie can offer you or you are unsure of what it is you really need, then please contact us too. You will get help in deciding if any of this is right for you. Together we may be able to find the right answers to your questions.
We look forward to hearing from you…Let us talk about what your present situation is, and together examine your questions, or queries even if you are unsure at this time what you really need or would like to do. Or we may just be okay chatting as friends for as long as you are comfortable.
Fill in the contact form below:
How much will it cost you if you do decide to go on our M.A.C. Programme?

We usually charge £250 (GBP) per virtual session and a monthly telephone appointment is usually recommended, subject to agreement, or until a desired outcome is achieved. We are however flexible, subject to status.
Group booking attracts some discount
Please ask.
Or we may be able to offer you a “paid-for-session” – with no charge to you, subject to status. In this regard we do encourage companies, organisations, government agencies and institutions to invest in Moments With Annie’s specially packaged coaching programme
Mental Agility Coaching Programme©
Email us with your enquiries:
Or call us: +44 7874 006 560
You can also send a WhatsApp message