
Life is a book

Each month is a new chapter..

Everyday is a new page ..

May your light never go dim ..

“Read on”

Don’t close the Book yet..

When things don’t go exactly the way you want..

Just patiently turn the page..

And calmly turn a new chapter

God is good!  All the time

Sweat, Sacrifice and Success always travel together..

“Be still and know that I am God”

Still God’s counsel to you today ..

And to me!

God is the only reason we made it this far

God’s perfect timing is never too late

No matter how strenuous it may feel

No matter how long it may seem

God will always finish what He started

Wait I say on the Lord.


Wash, make yourself up..


Your opportunity is at the door..

The rays of light have arrived..

And the glory of the Lord is making an appearance all over you..

For even though darkness covers the earth..

And gross darkness appearing over all peoples ..

Yet, your Maker will arise for you..

And upon you!

As the divine glory soon appearing all over you..

Be encouraged!

All will soon behold.

Welcome into your new season.


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