How do I grasp my destiny.. Certainly not by star gazing.

Looking too far into the future can become heavy going. Is there a better way though??

Let’s get very practical.

I certainly am not prepared to work too hard on this thought .. No not now.

Or I might fall into the same trap I advise to avoid.

Thankfully I came across these words of a great Statesman and I am sharing them with you.
Definitely, something in there for grabs.

Here we go:

“It is a mistake to try to look too far ahead. The chain of destiny can only be grasped one link at a time.” – Winston Churchill

Permit me to add these few words – very mindfully and prayerfully, grab a link today.

If you need professional help, then consider getting one as soon as you deem fit. Don’t leave it too late.

Until next time..
I remain,

Yours truly

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